Elite Psychology & Wellness Blog

March Founders Corner

As we start to head into the spring months, I started to think about nice weather and being outdoors. This got me thinking about listening to the birds, hearing the ocean waves, feeling the warm sunshine and just being present in nature. This prompted some thoughts on mindfulness and how much easier it is for me to stay present when the sun is out and I am sitting on a beach or taking a hike. I started to think about how some days it takes everything I have to stay present in the moments of my day.

Why is it so hard to stay present? Why is mindfulness so difficult? How do we stay present and mindful while we are typically engaged in so much activity every day?

Staying present in the moment is not an easy thing to do. In fact, our brain has a tendency to want to wander and think about something else. It takes practice to stay mindful and present. It takes even more practice to stay mindful and present when we are stressed or engaged in so much activity. I know for most of us, the stress of the day and the days activities are real. We are running from one thing to the next all the time, the deadlines pile up and the to do list grows.

So how do we practice mindfulness and stay present in our very busy day to day?

Besides practice, I listed a few helpful tips below to help you through the mindfulness journey.

And remember, for me it is not about having to engage in meditation for an hour (though I am sure we would all think that would be lovely! And if you have the time please go ahead! ), it is more about finding peace, contentment and tranquility in our day to day situations. To me that is true mindfulness.

Engage your Senses: Use your five senses regularly during the day to stay present. What are you seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching? When you are taking your kids to soccer practice, do you feel the sun on your face? When you are at work, do you taste the yummy lunch you brought that day? When you grab your morning coffee, do you smell the delicious scent of that latte?

Breathing Techniques: Breathing techniques are an easy and effective way to stay grounded. One of our favorite breathing techniques at EPW is the 4-7-8 breathing technique. I may need to write a post just on this technique! 4-7-8 breathing is an easy way to stay focused and de-stress. Breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 7 counts and breathe out for 8 counts. Use this breathing anytime you are feeling stressed.

Listen to Your Body: Have you ever felt your stomach tighten or your heart race when you are scared or nervous? What about feeling really tired when you are dealing with a lot of stress in your life? Your body will tell you a lot of things about what is going on for you emotionally if you just listen to it. When you listen to your body it will give you small signals about how you are feeling in the moment. Pay attention to these physical feelings and sensations as they help you to stay focused on what is in front of you, what is important to you and what you should focus on.

Limit Social Media: I know this one can be difficult. We all have been there. It’s the end of the day and you are exhausted. The last thing you want to do is think. So out comes the phone and it’s a scroll fest! Does it make you feel better? Yes. Or maybe just numb. Either way it does help to ease the stress of the day but it does not help you stay present in your life. Continued or hours long of scrolling through social media can make you feel detached and can take you out of the present moment. Put a timer on and scroll for a little. Allow the distraction and escape and then come back to the present moment.

Practice Gratitude: At the start of a new day or at the end of a long day, practice gratitude. Focus on the things that went well today. Identify the things you are happy with today. Practicing gratitude is about focusing on the things that you feel grateful for in your life, today. Focusing on the things that you are most grateful for each day will allow you to stay connected to the present and therefore connected to the important things around you.

I hope you will take a few of these tips with you today to start your mindfulness journey. I know that when you start to embrace the present moment, the moments start to embrace you! You will start to feel more grounded, more connected to yourself and those around you all while reducing your stress level and balancing your mood. Enjoy the journey!

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