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Dating, Divorce & Break-Ups

Being single and actively dating can become a source of distress for many. Have you asked yourself why I keep dating the same type of person but never getting to the relationship I truly want or why do I keep putting myself out there only to feel rejected. Or not even knowing where or how to start identifying what kind of relationship I want.

Dating can be overwhelming for a lot of us. We can feel a lot of emotions while going through the dating process and sometimes these feelings and this process can affect our self-esteem and self-worth.

Elite Psychology and Wellness understands the pressure and stress you can feel while dating. Our providers understand how to support different stages of being single and supporting you when you find yourself in a relationship. We can help you navigate this time so that you gain the skills you need to make this time in your life a success!

Our providers can also work with you and your partner while you are dating to help assist with communication and understanding within the relationship. We find a lot of couples going through this process during their relationship in the hopes that meeting with a trained counselor can facilitate growth, compassion and communication early on within the relationship.

Elite Psychology and Wellness is also there when you find yourself having to grieve and heal from a divorce or a break-up. Although divorce and break-ups are not uncommon, they often come out of nowhere and dealing with the intense feelings that accompany this life period can be overwhelming. You can feel lost, alone and unsure of what the future will be like.
Our providers understand the intense feelings and emotional grief that comes from a divorce or a break-up. And because of this understanding our providers will create a safe and non-judging space for you to heal. We will process the pain associated with the break-up and we will help you find yourself again.